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Appendix: Experimental Features

Delayed Reductions

One of the main difficulties faced by writers of context-free grammars is, borrowing a term from functional programming, the lack of referential transparency. By this we mean the ability to compose grammars from smaller grammars, to worry about isolated components of the grammar apart from the whole, and to substitute a part of the grammar with something equivalent.

Take, for example, the following simple grammar:

S --> A | B
A --> a b c d x
B --> a b c d y 

This obviously unambiguous grammar is LR(0): no lookahead is needed even though the ambiguity between A and B is not resolved until an x or a y is read at the end. When an LR parser shifts, it is naturally delaying the decision as to which nonterminal symbol to reduce to. The LR(0) statemachine will keep both the A and B productions as candidates for reduction until something distinguishes them. Even if we were to replace c with a non-terminal:

S --> A | B
C --> c | C c
A --> a b C d x
B --> a b C d y

This grammar is still LR(0). Had we used a right-recursive rule for C, it would be LR(1). Unfortunately, this example does not mean that we can substitute one LR grammar into another and still get an LR grammar in general. The referential transparency breaks easily. Consider

S --> A | B
C --> c | C c
A --> M C d x
B --> a b C d y
M --> a b

Surely this is still unambiguous and equivalent to the above grammar, but it's no longer an LR(k) grammar for any k. After we have read a b and the next symbol is c, we would not know whether to reduce it to M, or to shift c with a fixed number of lookaheads. In such a situation, most LR generators will give a warning and then resort to a default choice (usually shift over reduce.) But that would not help here: reducing would be the wrong choice if the last input symbol is y and shifting would be the wrong choice if the last symbol is x.

It is possible to save the situation, however, by delaying the choice to reduce until more have been read and more reductions applied. This is done by a "Marcus-Leermakers" transformation, as named in a research paper by Bertsch, Nederhof and Schmitz.

S --> A | B
C --> c | C c
A --> MCd x
B --> a b C y
MCd --> a b C d

The idea is to create a new non-terminal symbol that associates the original non-terminal with some amount of its right-context. The right context can consist of terminal as well as non-terminal symbols. The right-hand side of the rules of the symbol consist of the right-hand sides of the original, plus the right-context being delayed. Roughly speaking, it's like extending the number of lookahead symbols, except the symbols can be non-terminal. The transformation can be done internally: the transformed grammar relates to the original by an inverse homomorphism. This just means that the properties and intent of the original grammar are preserved. In particular, semantic actions written for the original grammar (with M --> a b) can still be applied by generating a tuple for the semantic value of the new symbol (MCd), then deconstructing it before applying the action of the original grammar.

The original grammar is not LR(k) but the transformed one is LR(1) (and LALR(1)). The research paper shows that such transformations can be selective, and the amount of right-context to absorb should be flexible lest further non-determinism may be introduced. The original grammar is called an "selML(2,1)" grammar because it absorbs at most 2 symbols of a nonterminal's right-context, and relies on one lookahead in the traditional sense. selML(k,m) grammars contain LR(m) grammars, and are always unambiguous. They describe the same class of languages as LR grammars, but more grammars are selML then are LR. The paper gives an algorithm that automatically applies the required transformations to a grammar, up to a fixed maximum k. However, only a prototype of the algorithm was ever implemented and was never applied on a large scale. We have implemented a version of this algorithm for Rustlr. Starting with version 3.4, rustlr accepts the -lrsd k option, where k is an (optional) number indicating the maximum delay length. This will attempt to construct a selML(k,1) grammar. The default value for k is 2. -lrsd 0 is equivalent to LR(1): rustlr always computes exactly one lookahead. The algorithm is fast enough when it succeeds, but when it should fail, such as for ambiguous grammars, it may take a long time before failure is detected, especially for larger values of k. Still, the option has already proven useful. We have used it to construct a new grammar for ANSI C (2011 edition). The new grammar is selML(2,1). We've also used it to write a "metagrammar" for converting Yacc grammars to Rustlr format, which is selML(1,1). This feature is currently still in experimental status, but Rustlr is the first parser generator that we're aware of that has seriously attempted to incorporate this promising extension of LR parsing.

While we continue to experiment with implementations of this algorithm, in the meantime Rustlr also allows a very simple mechanism that costs minimal overhead: the grammar writer can mark where the transformations need to occur:

S --> A | B
C --> c | C c
A --> % M C d % x
B --> a b C d y
M --> a b

The percent symbols indicate where to apply a transformation The symbol immediately following the first marker must be non-terminal. The transformation is applied to the grammar before an LR(1) or LALR(1) engine is build. While not nearly as powerful as the generalized algorithm (it cannot apply transformations to the internally generated productions themselves), this simple mechanism is still a useful addition. From a practical standpoint, it allows us to recover a degree of referential transparency with minimal effort (both human effort and computational cost). In the published Yacc grammar for ANSI C (2011 edition), we find the following productions:

declarator -->  pointer  direct_declarator
declarator -->  direct_declarator

Both pointer and direct_declarator are non-terminals. We would like to combine the two productions into one:

declarator -->  pointer?  direct_declarator

This is not just easier to write, but when generating the AST for C automatically, we'd prefer to have a simple tuple struct ( struct declarator(Option<pointer>,direct_declarator)) instead of an enum with two variants. Rustlr recognizes the ? operator and transforms this to

declarator --> P  direct_declarator
P --> pointer
P --> 

The internal introduction of the P productions cause shift-reduce conflicts (when the lookahead is a left-parentheses). We still don't know for sure what's causing the conflict, and we know that adopting a default shift or reduce strategy might not work, but we solved the problem with

declarator --> % pointer?  direct_declarator %

This particular transformation attaches direct_declarator to the end of the two productions for P, thereby recovering the original LALR grammar. But the transformation is internal: we get to write a different style of grammar and generate ASTs, write semantic actions for them as such. The new -lrsd option can automatically create the transformation without the markers, but using markers is more efficient in some cases.

Stopping Delays Manually

A potential problem with selective delay transformations is that they may interfere with the timely execution of stateful semantic actions. For example, the published grammar for ANSI-C specifies that an alphanumeric identifier should be recognized as a TYPENAME, but only if the identifier was previously defined with typedef. The semantic action processing typedef clauses must therefore communicate some information to the lexical analyzer so that future tokens will be recognized correctly (this is done in rustlr with the shared_state between lexer and parser). The application of the semantic action cannot be delayed. Rustlr grammars allow the right-hand side of production rules to contain a single !% marker, which means that no delayes are allowed beyond that point: any attempt to do so will result in failure. The !% marker can also be placed at the very end of a rule to prevent transformations on other rules. For example, either modification below will prevent the delay transformations from succeeding:

A --> M C !% d x


M --> a b !%

The markers are propagated to new rules that are generated by the delaying transformations. The marker on the first rule would still allow the reduction of M to be delayed until C is also ready to be reduced, but not before reading d. The second rule will disable any delays past M.

Regular expressions are well-liked by most programmers and many modern parser generators allow them. It makes writing grammars easier. On the surface it may not appear too difficult to add them to any LR parser generator: just add new productions rules like A --> A a | null, etc. But if adding such productions lead to further non-determinisms (conflicts) in the grammar, then clearly it would defeat the purpose of making it easier to write grammars. The selective-delay technique helps to alleviate this problem.

The Wildcard Token

Rustlr version 0.2.9 introduced an experimental feature that allows users to write grammar productions that include a "wildcard" using _ (underscore). For example:

E --> a _* b

The * symbol for zero or more repetitions was introduced in version 0.2.8 (along with ? and +). Rustlr processes the above rule by adding a new non-terminal symbol to represent the sequence:

E --> a T b
T -->
T --> T _

However, the meaning of the _ symbol is a bit intricate and requires an understanding of how LR parsing works. At the heart of an LR parser is a deterministic state machine (the "viable prefix automaton"). This automaton must stay deterministic. This means that the correct way to understand the underscore symbol is not as "any symbol" but as any unexpected symbol. If a state defines a transition for symbol b as well as a transition for the underscore, then these transitions must not render the machine non-deterministic. In other words, the following should not cause a "reduce-reduce" conflict:

F --> b | _

Rustlr works by treating _ (represented internally as _WILDCARD_TOKEN_) like any other terminal symbol when generating the LR state machine. The wildcard role of the symbol is only significant during parsing when a token is encountered that does not have a regular transition defined for the current state. Normally, such a situation results in a parsing error. However, if the state defines a transition for _, then rustlr will follow the transition. But the wildcard will never override a regular transition, if there is one.

What this means is that the intended meaning of the expression a _* b is not any sequence of symbols bracketed by a's and b's. The above grammar (E --> a _* b) will fail to parse "a b b b" because it cannot determine that the first two b's are supposed to be recognized as wildcards and that only the last b is a "real b". That is, it does not know which rule to apply to input b if the lookahead is also b. It will parse "a a a b" because after the initial a is read, there are no further conflicting transitions for a. To parse what we intend to, we have to modify the grammar as follows:

F --> b | _
E --> a F* b

This grammar does recognize any sequence of symbols bracketed by a and b. The wildcard is thus more subtle to use than one might like, but it can still be useful, and thus it was include it in Rustlr.

The Semantic Value of Wildcards

When a symbol is matched to wildcard, a unique token is created that carries a semantic value. The type of this value depends on whether there is a declared lifetime (such as via a lifetime 'lt grammar directive). If it is declared, the value will be the verbatim string slice that was tokenized (&'lt str).

Note that some older versions of Rustlr attached different types of semantic values to wildcards. These should now be considered deprecated.