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Challenging Scenarios

In this chapter we detail a couple of unusual problems and the special Rustlr features that are designed to resolve them. Both examples concern the interaction between the lexical scanner and parser. LR parsing requires a lookahead symbol to be read by the scanner independently of what might be expected by a production rule. But such independence is not always possible.

The first scenario is found in the grammar for ANSI C, which was adopted from a published Yacc version.

  typedef unsigned int uint;  // uint tokenized as IDENTIFIER
  uint x = 1;                     // uint tokenized as TYPE_NAME

An alphanumeric sequence, such as uint, that does not correspond to a keyword is normally tokenized as an "IDENTIFIER". However, once the identifier is subject to a typedef, subsequent occurrences of it are to be tokenized as "TYPE_NAME". A similar problem occurs with enum identifiers. This kind of distinction requires context sensitive information, and indeed, continuing to recognize all alphanumeric sequences as IDENTIFIER will lead to conflicts in the grammar. This scenario suggests that the parser should begin to build a kind of symbol table for the C program, and that the content of this table should affect the behavior of the lexical tokenizer.


Every Rustlr parser carries a shared_state variable. The type of this variable can be specified in the grammar with, for example,

  externtype u64

The default externtype is (). The specified type must implement the Default trait, which is how the shared_state is initialized. Furthermore, access to this variable can be shared (via a Rc<RefCell<externtype>> underneath). As Rustlr generates a parser and an lexical scanner for each grammar, it also generates code so that the shared_state can be accessed from both.

The TYPE_NAME problem is solved using the following declarations in the grammar:

$pub use std::collections::HashSet;
$pub struct defined_id_table<'t> {
$  pub typedefs: HashSet<&'t str>,
$  pub enum_ids: HashSet<&'t str>,
$  pub anticipate_typedef: bool,
$  pub in_function:bool,
$  pub warnings_issued:bool,

lifetime 'lt
externtype defined_id_table<'lt>

valueterminal TYPE_NAME ~ &'lt str ~ Alphanum(n) if self.shared_state.borrow().typedefs.contains(n) ~ n
valueterminal IDENTIFIER ~ &'lt str ~ Alphanum(n) ~ n

#production rules:
storage_class_specifier --> TYPEDEF { parser.shared_state.borrow_mut().anticipate_typedef=true; ...}

direct_base ==> IDENTIFIER:id {
 let mut table = parser.shared_state.borrow_mut();
 if table.anticipate_typedef {
    table.anticipate_typedef = false;
 ... } <==

First, the lines beginning with $ are injected verbatim into the abstract syntax module that's to be generated. Since the struct definition is pub, it will also be visible from the parser module. The injected lines define the type of the shared_state, as specified by the lifetime and externtype lines. This type includes the stateful information kept by the parser. In particular, the hashset typedefs and the boolean flag anticipate_typedef are used to resolve the TYPE_NAME problem.

Next, the declarations of the TYPE_NAME terminal symbol must preceed that of the IDENTIFIER terminal, and the token form of TYPE_NAME predicates the Alphanum(n) with a condition. On this valueterminal line, self.shared_state.borrow() immutably references the defined_id_table struct shared by the parser and lexer. In this case, "self" refers to the lexer. The ordering of the valueterminal lines are used to form a match clause that determines the kind of token to be emitted by the lexer.

Finally, the relevant production rules contain manually augmented semantic actions that access the parser.shared_state via borrow()/borrow_mut(). Every semantic action is in the context of a function where the variable parser can be referred to. Up on encountering a typedef keyword, the anticipate_typedef flag is set so that the next IDENTIFIER recognized will be recorded in the typedefs hashset of the shared state. This means that subsequent occurrences of the sequence will be tokenized as TYPE_NAME.

Note that the ... at the end of the semantic actions indicate that the rest of the action (the part that creates the AST) is to be automatically generated.

With the auto-bump option for generating bump-allocated ASTS, the shared state must be accessed as parser.shared_state.borrow_mut().state;

The Tokenizer's Priority Multiset

The second problematic scenario was encountered when adopting a grammar for an early, pre-generics version of Java to accomodate generic type syntax. That is, we wish to parse type expressions such as


The problem here is that the ">>" symbol represents the right-shift operator in Java and in many other languages. Most lexical scanners will prefer longer matches over shorter ones, which means that the >> at the end of the type expression will not be recognized as two distinct tokens without white spaces between them.

Another point to recognize here is that in an LR parser, we cannot anticipate the next token to be read in the context of a single production rule. An LR state consists of many rules (items) and there may be several anticipated tokens. Also, the lookahead symbol is read before determining the state transition or action to take. These factors make it difficult to automatically customize the tokenizer based on the production rule.

We again need to override some semantic actions and utilize the parser.shared_state to communicate with the lexer.

The built-in, customizable lexer, StrTokenzier, contains a multiset of symbols designated as priority symbols. A multiset is a set in which there could be multiple occurrences of each element. The multiset is initially empty.

Normally, StrTokenzier will prefer longer matches over shorter ones unless a symbol is found in the priority multiset. The priority multiset is checked first to see if there are any anticipated tokens that should be prioritized over the norm. Each match with some entry in the multiset decreases the number of occurrences of that entry in the multiset.

The >> problem is solved with the following relevant declarations in the grammar:

$pub struct multiswitch(usize); 
$impl multiswitch {
$  pub fn set(&mut self) { self.0 += 1; }
$  pub fn get(&mut self) -> usize {
$    if self.0>0 { self.0 -= 1;  self.0+1 } // auto-decrement
$    else {self.0}
$  }//get
$}//impl multiswitch

externtype multiswitch

lexconditional self.shared_state.borrow_mut().get()>0 ~ add_priority_symbol(">")

# Relevant productions:
type_arguments --> LT flag_state type_arg<COMMA+> GT

flag_state -->  { parser.shared_state.borrow_mut().set(); ... }

The terminal symbols LT and GT represent < and > respectively.

In this scenario, the shared_state between the parser and lexer is a multiswitch struct that contains counter, initially zero by Default. The get() function returns the value of the counter and decreases the counter, so each call to increment the value via set() is only usable once. The lexconditional directive specifies a boolean condition followed by an action on the lexer (self refers to the lexer). Before each attempt to scan the next token, the lexer will check each lexconditional statement. The StrTokenizer::add_priority_symbol function inserts a new symbol into the multiset.

The flag_state non-terminal's sole purpose is to inject an additional semantic action into the type_arguments rule. As flag_state is an empty production, this has the same effect as an intermediate action in Yacc/Bison. It will only be executed when the prefix to the left, LT type_argument<COMMA+>, is unambiguously confirmed. The action sets the multiswitch, which will cause an instance of GT (>) to be added to the lexer's priority multiset. This instance is automatically removed once matched.

Rustlr is structured so that the lexer is not directly controlled by the parser: the only way for them to communicate is via the shared_state.