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Chapter 1: Simple Calculator.

Please note that this tutorial is updated for the latest version of Rustlr. There's an older tutorial that was written prior to Rustlr Version 0.4 that is still available. Rustlr remains compatible with older grammars, but some may need to be recompiled.

This tutorial is not an introduction to LR parsing, though only minimal knowledge of the concept is required to understand the examples. The first chapter of the tutorial will present three versions of a simple grammar illustrating the core features of Rustlr, while additional features and details will be presented in subsequent chapters.

Installing Rustlr

The rustlr crate contains the parser generation routines as well as base runtime parsing routines required by all parsers. Either both are installed together, or the runtime parsing routines can be installed alone. To generate parsers, you can either

  1. install rustlr as a command-line application: cargo install rustlr.

  2. Call the rustlr crate's generate function from within a rust program, after installing rustlr as part of your crate (cargo add rustlr). The function takes in a string slice the same arguments as the command-line application. However, when given the -trace 0 option, rustlr produces no output during parser generation, saving instead all messages in a script.

After a parser has been generated for another application, rustlr can be installed in that application's crate with only the runtime parsing routines by either

  1. cargo add rustlr --no-default-features

  2. including the following in Cargo.toml:

   rustlr = { version = "0.6", default-features = false }

Turning off default features excludes the parser generation routines, making for a much smaller build.

Optional Feature legacy-parser: grammars and parsers for very early versions of Rustlr require the legacy-parser feature. This feature can be installed with or without the parser generation routines. For example, if you only need the legacy runtime parser, add the following to Cargo.toml:

   rustlr = { version = "0.6", default-features = false, features = ["legacy-parser"] }

A Rustlr Grammar

Rustlr uses its own syntax for grammars. However, given a Yacc/Bison style grammar in a file with a .y suffix, rustlr can convert it into its own syntax while stripping away semantic actions and other language-specific content. The new grammar will be saved at the same location with a .grammar suffix, which can then be further enhanced with rustlr-specific features. All examples are in the rustlr custom syntax for grammars, which is richer than that allowed by Yacc/Bison.

The first grammar parses integer arithmetic expressions and computes their values.

nonterminal E i32
nonterminal T i32
nonterminal F i32
terminals + * - / ( )
valterminal num i32
topsym E

E --> E:e + T:t { e + t }
E --> E:e - T:t { e - t }
E --> T
T --> T:a * F:b { a*b }
T --> T:a / F:b { a/b }
T --> F
F --> - F:a { -a }
F --> ( E )
F --> num

These are the contents of a Rustlr grammar file, calc1.grammar. This classic example of an unambiguous grammar is found in most compiler textbooks. Rustlr recognizes operator precedence and associativity declarations (see below), but we start with a proper grammar. After you cargo install rustlr you can produce a LALR parser from this grammar file, which must end with .grammar, by running the rustlr executable with:

rustlr calc1.grammar

Alternatively, rustlr can be invoked from another rust program by calling the rustlr::generate function, which takes the same arguments as the rustlr executable. Using rustlr this way gives the option of supressing all output to stdout and stderr with the -trace 0 option:

  let report = rustlr::generate("calc1.grammar -trace 0");

The generate function returns an a Result<String,String> containing either a log of events on success, or error messages on failure. With the rustlr command-line application, some messages will always be printed to stdout/stderr even with the -trace 0 option.

By default, rustlr tries to generate a LALR(1) parser (modified with -lr1 and -lrsd options). Two files are generated: and in the working directory, although the second file won't contain much for this example. The output directory can be changed with the -o option, such as in rustlr calc1.grammar -o calc1crate/src/. It will derive the name of the grammar (calc1) from the file path, unless there is a declaration of the form

grammarname somename

in the grammar spec. The parser must import some elements of rustlr so it should be in a crate. We will come back to how to run the generated parser later.


The first line in the grammar specification:


is recommended in most situations. Specifically it means to generate the abstract syntax types and semantic actions automatically while allowing for overrides. We provided overrides for the types of the three non-terminal symbols E, T and F to be i32 and manually wrote semantic actions to create values of that type. However, the auto mode was still useful in that other actions were created automatically. For example, we did not have to write F --> ( E:a ) { a }.

Leaving out auto enables some deprecated features of Rustlr and is generally not recommeneded. The auto mode allows any degree of manual override, rendering the non-auto mode redundant. One possible exception for the non-auto mode is for using a lexical scanner separate from the built-in one.

Rustlr requires that all grammar symbols be declared as terminal or non-terminal before any production rules.

Top Nonterminal

topsym E

Alternatively one can write startsymbol E. One non-terminal symbol should be designated the top/start symbol.

Grammar Production Rules

You will get an error message if the grammar symbols are not defined before the grammar rules. Each rule is indicated by a non-terminal symbol followed by -->, or ==>. The symbol ==> is for rules that span multiple lines that you will find used in other grammars (later chapters). You can specify multiple production rules with the same left-hand side nonterminal using | which you will also find in other grammars.

The right hand side of each rule must separate each grammar symbol with whitespaces. For each grammar symbol such as E, you can optionally bind a "label" in the form T:a or T:[a]. The first grammar will only use the first type of label and we shall explain the other with the next grammar.

The right-hand side of a rule may be empty, which will make the non-terminal on the left side of --> "nullable".

Semantic Actions

Every terminal and non-terminal symbol is associated with the type of a semantic value. In the auto mode types and semantic actions are automatically created unless overrides are provided.

All such types are expected to impl Default and Debug.

Rustlr parsers will attempt to construct partial semantic values even in case of parsing errors, hence the requirement for the Default trait.

Every production rule can optionally end with a manually written semantic action inside { and }, which can only follow all grammar symbols making up the right-hand side of the production rule. This is a piece of Rust code that will be injected verbatim into the generated parser, and is expect to return a value associated with the left-hand side non-terminal of the rule. The semantic action code will have access to any labels associated with the symbols defined using ":" as mutable variables.

Creating a Lexical Scanner for the Terminal Symbols

A lexical scanner is automatically created from the declarations of the terminal symbols of the grammar in the auto mode. These terminals can be categorized into ones that do not carry meaningful semantic values, and ones that do. Those that do not carry values are assigned type (), as in unit, in the auto mode, and can be declared in one of two ways:

  1. If the name of the terminal symbol is the same as its textual form (how it appears in concrete syntax), then it can be declared on a terminals line as in this grammar. Multiple terminals lines are allowed.
  2. If the name of the grammar symbol is different from its textual form, it should be declared on a line such as
  lexterminal COLON :

In the grammar's production rules, the terminal should be referred to as COLON. Certain reserved symbols including :, |, %, -->, # and {, } must be declared using lexterminal.

Terminal symbols that carry the most common types of values, including alphanumeric identifiers, numerical constants (without type suffixes) and string literals, can be defined with a valterminal declaration. Valid valterminal declarations include

valterminal INT i64
valterminal FLOAT f32
valterminal IDENTIFIER alphanumeric
valterminal STRING string literal

Beside the special descriptions "alphanumeric" and "string literal", valterminal can also name one of the following numerical types: i8-i64, u8-u64, f32, f64, isize and usize. Please note that only one integer type can be assigned to a terminal symbol using valterminal and likewise for floating point types (but see below).

The valterminal directive is designed to simplify the specification of a lexer for the most common types of tokens using rustlr's built-in tokenizer. A valterminal declaration is actually the simplified form of a longer, valueterminal declaration. valterminal num i32 is equivalent to

valueterminal num ~ i32 ~ Num(n) ~ n as i32

The format of this line is as follows:

valueterminal terminal_name ~ terminal_type ~ expected_token ~ token_value

Each component is separated by a ~, which is not a Rust operator. The token_value must be of type terminal_type. The last two components will be used to form a 'match' clause, so we can write, for example,

  valueterminal Positive ~ u64 ~ Num(n) if n>0 ~ n as u64
  valueterminal Integer ~ i64 ~ Num(n) ~ n

to distinguish special cases. The token category Num is a variant of RawToken, the type of token produced by the built-in generic tokenizer, StrTokenizer, and carries an i64 value. Other common categories of tokens include Alphanum for alphanumeric sequences, Symbol for non-alphanumeric symbols, and Strlit for string literals.

Please remember that there is a difference between token and terminal symbol: a relationship must be established between the two with a valueterminal declaration.

Each token carries a str slice with the same lifetime as the input source, which can be defined with a lifetime declaration in the grammar. Essentially, it requires

  lifetime 'lt
  valueterminal Identifier ~ &'lt str ~ Alphanum(n) ~ n

The above line is equivalent to valterminal Identifier alphanumeric.
If the lifetime is not explicitly declared, it is set to 'input_lt. However, naming the lifetime is recommended to avoid potential clashes with other lifetimes in your program.

For terminals with types that are not recognized by valterminal, the longer valueterminal form is required:

  valueterminal BOOL ~ bool ~ Alphanum("true") ~ true
  valueterminal BOOL ~ bool ~ Alphanum("false") ~ false

These declarations should be placed before a generic alphanumeric valterminal declaration. Alphanumeric terminal symbols declared by terminals automatically take precedence over generic alphanumeric tokens. For example: terminals if else while means that "else" would be recognized as the else terminal symbol, carrying no value, as opposed to an Indentfier that carries an alphanumeric string slice.

It is also possible to specify custom token categories using regular expressions. Consult the next chapter for fuller details on how to configure the lexical scanner.

The generated lexer is a struct called calc1lexer alongside the make_parser() function inside the generated parser file. One creates a mutable instance of the lexer using the generated calc1lexer::from_str and test1lexer::from_source functions.

Invoking the Parser

Invoking the parser requires instances of the parser and lexer to be created separately, so that the same parser can parse from multiple sources after calling reset.
Here is a "main" that creates and invokes the parser.

mod calc1parser;
use calc1parser::*;
mod calc1_ast;
fn main() {
  let mut input = "5+2*3";
  let args:Vec<String> = std::env::args().collect(); // command-line args
  if args.len()>1 {input = &args[1]; }
  let mut tokenizer1 = calc1lexer::from_str(input);
  let mut parser1 = make_parser(tokenizer1);
  // parser1.set_err_report(true); // option to log errors instead of printing to stderr
  let result = parse_with(&mut parser1).unwrap_or_else(|x|x);
  println!("result after parsing {}: {:?}",input,result);
  // println!("Error Report: {}", parser1.get_err_report()); // option

Please note that this main expects Rustlr version 0.6+. In previous versions the parser and tokenizer interacted in a different way. The parser now takes posession of the tokenizer. This allows semantic actions to directly control the tokenizer. The tokenizer can still be accessed independently with the get_tokenizer function. The previous (version 0.5) style is still available by giving rustlr the -zc option, though this option may become part of the legacy-parser installation option in the future.

Parser errors are by default printed to stderr. This behavior can be changed by calling set_err_report on the parser instance, as the commented-out line indicates. When given true as argument, this function will log all errors into an internal string, which can then be retrieved with get_err_report. If set_err_report is given false as argument, it will turn off logging and print to stderr. Every call to set_err_report will always erase existing error logs.

The should be placed in a crate with rustlr = {version="0.6", default-features=false} in its dependencies. The files produced by rustlr for the grammar should also be inside the src/ folder of the crate. The function parse_with is created for each grammar, and returns a Result<T,T> where T is the semantic value type of the "topsym" (startsymbol) of the grammar. Even in the event of parsing errors, a partial result is always returned.

This main expects a command-line argument. Alternatively, we can create a lexer from a file source with:

  let source = rustlr::LexSource::new("file path").unwrap();
  let mut tokenizer1 = calc1lexer::from_source(&source);

The same parser can be used to parse multiple sources by calling the reset function and by swapping in a different tokenizer.

Operator Precedence and Associativity Declarations

An alternative way to write the above grammar is the following

nonterminal E i32
terminals + * - / ( )
valterminal num i32
topsym E
left + 100
left - 100
left * 200
left / 200

E --> E:e + E:t { e + t }
E --> E:e - E:t { e - t }
E --> E:a * E:b { a*b }
E --> E:a / E:b { a/b }
E(300) --> - E:a { -a }
E --> ( E )  |  num

Operators can be declared to be left or right associative or nonassoc, with a number indicating the precedence level. Rustlr does not report shift-reduce conflicts if they are clearly resolved by such declarations (except when given the -trace 5 option). Although attractive as they enable ambiguous grammars to be written, over-reliance on these declarations should be avoided. For larger grammars, overusing these declarations can cause problems (if you find yourself declaring the precendence of a bracket such as '[', you're in trouble). Even in this small grammar, care must be taken. Unary operators usually bind tighter than binary ones: the unary - should have precedence over * and / (the outcome may be the same but the manner of evaluation is not). Thus the rule for unary minus overrides the declared precedence of -. Each grammar symbol is given a precedence level, which is by default zero. Each rule is assigned a precedence equal to the symbol on the right-hand side with the highest precedence, unless overridden as in the unary minus rule.

One place where precedence declarations are arguably justified is the infamous "dangling else" problem:

Statement --> if ( Expression ) Statement
Statement --> if ( Expression ) Statement else Statement

Rewriting this grammar unambiguously would require extra rules for all other cases of Statement. Rustlr allows this problem to be solved by assigning 'else' a higher precedence than 'if', which would force a shift and associate each 'else' with the nearest 'if'.

Generating Abstract Syntax Trees

The first versions of the grammar computed numerical values directly, but more generally, parsers create AST structures.

# calc2.grammar
nonterminal E
nonterminal T : E
nonterminal F : E
terminals + * - / ( )
valterminal num i32
startsymbol E

E:Plus --> E + T
E:Minus --> E - T
E --> T
T:Times --> T * F
T:Divide -->  T / F
T --> F
F:Neg --> - F
F:Val --> num
F --> ( E )

Lines in the grammar that begin with # are used for comments. Unlike the first grammar, there are no overrides for the types of non-terminals nor are there manually written semantic actions. However, the grammar was carefully written to distinguish parse trees from abstract syntax trees. Normally, Rustlr creates enums for nonterminals that have multiple productions and structs for nonterminals that have a single production. However, the non-terminals T and F are only meaningful at the parsing stage and should not be included in the AST. This is accomplished with declarations such as nonterminal T : E, which means that the variants for T should be absorbed into those for E. Furthermore, the left-hand side of each rule can also be given a label: this label will become the name of the enum variant for that case. The rules without labels, such as F --> ( E ) are called "pass-thru" cases and do not generate separate variants: the semantic value of the left-hand side non-terminal is directly inherited from the sole right-hand side symbol that is not of unit type.

The structure generated for E, in, is

pub enum E {
impl Default for E { fn default()->Self { E::E_Nothing } }

The variant E_Nothing is created to implement the Default trait, which is required of all semantic value types.

What is an LBox?

In a typical compiler/interpreter, the most meaningful error messages, such as using a variable out of scope, or calling a function with the wrong number or type of arguments, are not parsing errors but are only recognized in later stages, such during type checking. However, all error messages must indicate the location in the orignal text (line and column numbers) where the errors originate. This implies that the parser must insert this location information into the ASTs that are created. All data structures designed for the abstract syntax must accommodate this information, which can become rather intrusive. Rustlr tries to make this process transparent by defining a custom smart pointer called LBox. It takes advantage of the fact that ASTs are almost always recursive, which would require smart pointers in the type definitions. Rustlr computes a reachability closure to determine where these pointers are required. However, instead of using a regular Box, an LBox includes a Box along with the line and column numbers of where the construct starts. An additional, unique identifier uid is also associated with every LBox so that each AST component can always be uniquely identified. All this information is automatically inserted into each LBox by the Rustlr runtime parser (BaseParser). Lbox implements Deref and DerefMut so they can be used just like a regular Box, except when we actually need the line/column information:

pub fn eval(expr:&E) -> Option<i32> {
  use E::*;
  match expr {
    Val(n) => Some(*n),
    Neg(n) => Some(-1 * eval(n)?),
    Plus(a,b) => Some(eval(a)? + eval(b)?),
    Minus(a,b) => Some(eval(a)? - eval(b)?),
    Times(a,b) => Some(eval(a)? * eval(b)?),
    Divide(a,b) =>
       .and_then(|y| {
         if y == 0 {
           eprintln!("Division by zero line {}, column {}",b.line(),b.column());
         } else { eval(a).map(|x| x/y) }
    _ => None,

Besides LBox, there is also a structure LC that implements the same traits as LBox but contains the lexical location information as well as the encapsulated expression in the form of an exposed tuple. It is preferred when a smart pointer to heap is not required or redundant.

We can inject verbatim Rust code into the parser directly by prefixing each line with !. Similarly, we can inject code into an file by prefixing each line with $. However, typically these will be use clauses, as in

!use std::collections::HashMap;

This chapter serves as an introduction. There are other details and features that will be explained fully in subsequent chapters.

Chapter 2