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Special Chapter: Generating Parsers for F# using Rustlr and Fussless

Rustlr can generate parsers for F#. With .Net interoperability, other languages (C#) can also use the generated parsers with a little adaptation, though some knowledge of F# is required. The .Net side of this aspect of Rustlr is a system called Fussless. This repository contains the runtime parser written in F#. The lexical analysis aspect of Fussless uses CsLex, which is written in C#. Fussless can automatically generate a CsLex .lex file from the grammar. Download Fussless and follow instructions in the Fussless README to install the system. The readme also contains instructions on how to use the system to create a parser.

At the time of this writing, there are still some features missing from Fussless compared to the native Rust parser generator. There is only one, simple error-recovery mechanism (resynch). The experimental -lrsd option and the wildcard symbol are not currently supported and the interactive training feature is also not available. These limitations will gradually be resolved with future releases.

The Fussless system can automatically generate the abstract syntax types and semantic actions from a grammar with the auto option. However, the first part of this chapter will show how to write grammars with manually defined types and actions.

Invoking the Parser Generator

To create a parser, you will first need a .grammar file. Rustlr/Fussless has its own format for specifying grammars:

# Unambiguous LR grammar for simple calculator.

valuetype int
nonterminals E T F
terminals + *
valueterminal number ~ int ~ Num ~ int
lexterminal LPAREN (
lexterminal RPAREN )
topsym E

E --> E:e + T:t { e + t }
E --> T:t { t }
T --> T:t * F:f { t*f }
T --> F:f { f }
F --> LPAREN E:e RPAREN  { e }
F --> number:n { n }


These are the contents of a Fussless grammar file, called test1.grammar. This classic example of LR parsing is found in virtually all compiler textbooks. After you cargo install rustlr you can produce a LALR(1) parser from this grammar file with:

rustlr test1.grammar -fsharp

The first and the only required argument to the executable is the path of the grammar file. However, without the -fsharp option it will try to create a parser for Rust. Other optional arguments (after the grammar path) that can be given to the executable are:

The generated parser will be a program test1parser.fs that contains a parse_with function. RustLr will derive the name of the grammar (test1) from the file path, unless there is a declaration of the form

grammarname somename

in the grammar spec, in which case the parser generated will be called "somenameparser.fs".



A context free grammar is not very useful unless we associate values with grammar symbols. Without these values all a parser can do is tell us if something parsed or not. The first line in the grammar specification should define the default type of value carried by each grammar symbol. Not all symbols need to have values of the same type. However, the "start symbol" or "topsym" of the grammar must have this type, and this is the type of value that's ultimately returned by the parser.

valuetype int

(alternatively absyntype int). In most cases the type would be some type that defines an abstract syntax tree, but here we will just calculate an int.

Declaring Terminal and Nonterminal symbols.

Rustlr requires that all terminal and non-terminal symbols be declared before writing any grammar rules. Terminal symbols can be divided into two categories: those that carry important values, and those that do not. In this example, the only terminal symbol with imporant values is number, which carries values of type int. Such terminals should be declared using a valueterminal line, which has the following format

 valueterminal terminal_name ~ terminal_type ~ token_name ~ fun:string->terminal_type

The four elements of the declaration must be separated by ~. The terminal_name declares that this is a terminal symbol, with values of type terminal_type. The next two fields allow for a lexical scanner to be generated that recognizes these terminals. Fussless automatically creates a .lex file that returns lexical tokens of type RawToken (defined in absLexer.cs). Each RawToken carries a string (token_name) that defines the type of the token and a string (token_text) that defines the text of the token. The lexer pre-defines a category for (unsigned) integers as token_type "Num". Thus the third argument to valueterminal is the lexer token type (not to be confused with the terminal_name, which is what the grammar will refer to). The last component of a valueterminal declaration is a function of type string -> terminal_type. The int function in F# converts strings to integers: int("32") returns the integer 32. You can also write (fun x -> int x). This function will be applied to the token text to produce the value expected by the terminal symbol.

The lexical scanner generated by Rustlr recognizes other token types including "Float", "Alphanum" and "StrLit", which will be discussed in a later section.

In contrast, terminals such as +, * ( and ) do not carry significant values: they will always be assigned Unchecked.defaultof<valuetype> just as a filler. These terminals can be defined in one of two ways.

  1. if the name of the terminal is the same as the text of the terminal, they can be defined on a terminals line (multiple lines are allowed).
  2. if the name of the terminal is different from the textual form, use a lexterminal declaration. These are required for certain symbols that are reserved for other uses in Rustlr, including { } | : and a few others. The parentheses are also best not used to name terminals by themselfs. Thus lexterminal LPAREN ( means that we will refer to the terminal as LPAREN in the grammar and the lexical analyzer will recognize "(" as this type of token.

Nonterminal symbols that are to have the same type as the declared valuetype of the grammar can be defined on one nonterminals line. You should use only alphanumeric names for non-terminals (Rustlr is also not guaranteed to work with non-ascii characters). In this example all nonterminals have type int, so one such line suffices. Otherwise declare differently typed non-terminals using lines such as nonterminal S string.

Top Nonterminal

topsym E

(alternatively startsymbol E). You should designate one particular nonterminal symbol as the top symbol. This symbol must have the same type (for its value ) as the declared 'valuetype' so you should not try to assign it a different type.

Grammar Production Rules

You will get an error message if the grammar symbols are not defined before the grammar rules. Each rule is indicated by a non-terminal symbol followed by --> or ==>. The symbol ==> is for rules that span multiple lines: they must be terminated with <==. You can specify multiple production rules with the same left-hand side nonterminal using | but Rustlr discourages their use.

The right-hand side of each rule must separate symbols with whitespaces. For each grammar symbol such as E, you can optionally bind a "label" such as E:a, The label 'a' refers to the value associated with this occurrence of E.

The right-hand side of a rule may be empty, which will make the non-terminal on the left side of --> "nullable".


Values for non-terminal symbols are returned by functions commonly referred to as semantic actions. Each rule can optionally end with a semantic action inside { and }, which can only follow all grammar symbols making up the right-hand side of the production rule. This is a piece of F# code that will form the body of the semantic action function. This code will have access to any labels associated with the symbols defined using ":". In a label such as E:e, e is a mutable variable intialized to the value associated with E.

The semantic action of each rule must return a value of the type associated with the left-hand side symbol of that rule. Generally speaking, the semantic action of a rule A --> B:b C:c D:d is a function that f that takes as arguments value of the types for B, C and D and f(b,c,d) will be the value associated with A.

It is recommended that if you use multiple lines that you start the semantic action on a new line after the openning {. Be reminded that F# doesn't use braces to group code (they're used to form records). The braces are just Rustlr syntax to separate the semantic action from the rest of the grammar rule.

The semantic action code is injected verbatim into the generated parser, thus any errors in the code will not show up until you try to compile the parser. For security reasons it's generally not a good idea to run programs like parser generators with systems privileges.

If no semantic action is given, a default one is created that just returns a default value.

Error Reporting

Semantic actions always have access a parameter named 'parser'. The functions that can be called on parser are report_error and abort. For example, parser.abort("failure") or parser.report_error("problem encountered",true). The report_error function takes a boolean argument that determines if line/column numbers should be displayed. The abort function terminates parsing.

Another important function that can be called on parser is parser.position, which returns a pair (line,column) that's associated with one of the symbols on the right-hand side of a rule: the exact symbol is indicated as a 0-based integer that's passed to parser.position. An example will make this clear: the rule for multiplication can be replaced with

T ==> T:t * F:f {
  let tf = t*f
  if f<>0 && (tf/f <> t) then
    let (ln,cl) = parser.position(1)
    printfn "Warning: arithmetic overflow line %d, column %d" ln cl
  } <==

The argument (1) passed to parser.position refers to the * symbol, that is the 2nd symbol on the right-hand side. Index 0 will refer to the T and index 2 will refer to F. (0,0) will be returned for an invalid index.

Note also that this rule spans multiple lines and requires ==> and <==. Also, the injected multi-line F# code should start on a new line and be indented.

The three member functions on parser described above are the only ones that should be called from semantic actions. There are other functions that would corrupt the parser and should never be called. In general, whatever code you write inside the braces are entirely your own responsibility.


Not all errors are parsing errors. After the AST is successfully built, other phases usually follow that perform semantic analysis such as type checking. Errors detected in later stages must also be reported with line/column numbers indicating their origin. The AST therefore must carry this information. Fussless defines a structure LBox that encapsulates a value along with line and column information:

type LBox<'AT> =
    value: 'AT;
    line : int;
    column: int;
let lbox<'AT> (v:'AT,ln:int,cn:int) = { LBox.value =v; line=ln; column=cn; }
let (|Lbox|) (b:LBox<'AT>) = Lbox(b.value)

The structure comes with two other definitions: lbox is an ordinary constructor and Lbox is an active pattern. The active pattern allows the lexical information to be hidden: exposing only the value within the box. ASTs can be defined using LBox as demonstrated below:

type expr = Val of LBox<int> | Plus of LBox<expr>*LBox<expr> | Times of LBox<expr>*LBox<expr> | Divide of LBox<expr>*LBox<expr> 

The active pattern form Lbox allows pattern matching on these structures without the intrusive line/column information, except when we actually need them

let rec eval = function
  | Val(Lbox(x)) -> x
  | Plus(Lbox(a),Lbox(b)) -> (eval a) + (eval b)
  | Times(Lbox(a),Lbox(b)) -> (eval a) * (eval b)
  | Divide(Lbox(a),(Lbox(b) as n)) ->
    let bv = (eval b)
    if bv=0 then
       raise(Exception(sprintf "division by zero column %d\n" n.column))
    (eval a) / bv

Fussless has built-in support for creating LBoxes. In a grammar production, symbols on the right-hand side can be given "boxed labels". For example:

E --> E:[e1] + T:[e2] { Plus(e1,e2) }

A boxed label such as [e1] instructs the parser to place the value associated with the grammar symbol inside an LBox and to bind the variable e1 to it.

The LBox is named for its counterpart in Rust parsers created by Rustlr, although it is not a "smart pointer".


The steps for creating and calling a parser is best illustrated by the following example (test1main.fs).

module Test1
open System
open Fussless
open Test1

let parser1 = make_parser(); // create parser
Console.Write("Enter Expression: ");  
let lexer1 = test1lexer<unit>(Console.ReadLine());  // create lexer

let result = parse_with(parser1,lexer1); // invokes parser printfn
printfn "Result = %A" result;;

The lexical analyzer 'test1.lex' that's generated automatically defines the C# class 'test1lexer<E>'. The generic type argument E defines an "shared state' between the parser and lexer. By default, this type is unit. The class comes with two constructors: one taking a string, as used in the above program, and one taking a System.IO.FileStream.

The parse_with function must be passed instances of a parser and a lexer. It returns an option type value of type valuetype option.

Injection of Top Level Code

A line that begin with '!' will be injected verbatim into the generated parser. Such lines will always be injected towards the beginning of the code regardless of where they appear in the grammar. Typically, these lines will specify additional modules to open, such as

!open System.Collections.Generic;

Lexical Analyzer Directives

In order for Rustlr-Fussless to generate a .lex file, there must be at least one 'lexterminal' or valueterminal' declaration in the grammar; otherwise rustlr must be invoked with the -genlex option.

The generated .lex will recognize the following token types, including "Num" that appeared in the 'test1' example

Note that the lexer will not check the returned tokens for overflow: that must be done with the the function that you specify as the last argument to 'valueterminal'.

Besides the common types of tokens above, you can also define new token types and their associated regular expressions:

 lexattribute custom ULong [0-9]+UL

This defines a new token type that will be returned along with the text that matched the given regex. Such user-defined custom categories will override the other categories. This means that "205UL" will now be returned as a single RawToken with token type "ULong" instead of two tokens, a "Num" and an "Alphanum". Multiple custom token types will be prioritized in the order in which they appear inside the grammar.

Once a custom token type is defined, a valueterminal declaration is still required to translate such tokens into terminal symbols of the grammar, such as

!let conv64 (x:string) :uint64 = System.UInt64.Parse(x.Substring(0,x.Length-2))
valueterminal U64 ~ uint64 ~ ULong ~ conv64

Other lexattribute directives

As of this writing, the only other lexattribute directive available is line_comment. By default, the generated lexer recognizes (and ignores) C-style comments. The line_comment directive can be used to change the symbol for single-line comments, such as

lexattribute line_comment #

The symbol selected should be non-alphanumeric. lexattribute line_comment disable will disable the recognition of single-line comments.

Operator precedence and associativity declarations.

Rustlr allows left, right and nonassoc declarations for terminal symbols. Each such declaration must specify a positive integer defining the precedence levels. These declarations are used to break shift-reduce conflicts and allows the writing of some ambiguous grammars (E --> E+E) instead of (E --> E+T). The default precedence is zero, which means no precedence has been defined. However, these kinds of declarations should not be overused (see below).

Error Recovery

An LR parser is defined by a state action (transition) table and a stack of states. The top of the stack is the current state. A parsing error occurs when the current state has no entry defined for the next input. Currently, only one method of error recovery has been implemented for F# parsers. A declaration such as


designates one or more terminal symbols as resynchronization points. When an error occurs, the parser will skip input tokens until it finds one of these points. It then looks down its stack of states to find one that has an entry for the next input symbol after the resynch point, and continues parsing. If no resync point is declared, the parser will just skip input until it finds one that has an entry defined with respect to the current state. A natural resync point is the semicolon that separates statements in many languages. If an error occurs, the parser will skip past the semicolon and parse the next line.

There are more sophisticated error recovery techniques that could be implemented so this is currently a minimal feature.

Up on the detection of any error, the parser.err_occurred flag will be set and it's up to the user to examine this flag before deciding what to do with the result.

Note that the - (minus) symbol serves as both a unary and a binary operator. As a unary operator, it should have precedence over *. This means that using operator precedence/associativity declarations for the symbol is not enough. "-3*5" should be parsed as (-3)*5 and not as -(3*5): never mind that they both evaluate to -15: the point is that the parse trees are different. Thus, a precedence level can also be assigned to a rule, which is done for the rule for unary minus. Without a particular precedence assignment, a rule is assigned the precedence of the highest precedence symbol it finds on the right-hand side. Precedence declarations are definitely a hack, almost as bad as some parser generators that claim to "work with any grammar". They should not be overly relied on. One place where it is useful is in disambiguating the dangling else problem: assign "else" a higher precedence than "if". This will force a shift when an "else" is encountered, which means that it will be associated with the nearest "if".

Using C#

Using C# is possible by virtue of .Net interoperability. The abstract syntax structures can be defined in C# and the semantic actions to construct such structures should generally not be difficult to call from F#. The integration of the .dlls from the different languages may face some challenges depending on your development platform. On Mono there where some problems importing a .dll compiled with F# into a C# project. But these problems can be mostly avoided by writing some minimal components of the parser in F#.

Automatically Generating the Abstract Syntax

With Rustlr 0.4 and the latest Fussless the grammar can now generate the abstract syntax types and semantic actions automatically. The auto mode allows any degree of manual override for both types and semantic actions. To override a type for a nonterminal, simply define the type as in

  nonterminal E int

Semantic actions can also be overridden by simply writing them inside curly braces. It's also possible to inject custom code before the automatically generated code by writing actions of the form { /*injected code*/ ...}. The ellipses can only occur at the end of the action.

Essentially, the AST types for non-terminal symbols that are on the left-hand side of multiple productions generate discriminated unions while those with a single production generate records. However, the AST types do not necessarily just mirror the grammar. For example, non-terminal symbols such as E, T and F (of the calculator grammar) can be specified to define a single union type as opposed to individual types. Records can be absorbed or "flattened" into other types. Rustlr/Fussless grammars contain a sub-language that defines how ASTs are to be created that can also be stable across small changes to the grammar. The system has the same capabilities as described for Rust parsers. In fact, for F# it's simpler since there is no need for lifetimes and smart pointers. Fussless LBox structures are created in the same way as their counterparts in Rust, without the pointer aspect.

To invoke the auto feature, replace the "valuetype" declaration with "auto" at the top of the grammar. In addition to the parser file, an _ast.fs file will be created. Code can be injected into the AST file with lines beginning with $.

Using Regular Expression-Like Operators +, *, ?, etc

Please note that this feature only works reliably in the auto mode.

Rustlr allows grammar rules to be written in the following way:

E --> A* B+ C? D<,+> E<;*>

These regular-expression like operators serve to translate the grammar into the following:

E --> As Bp Cq Dp Es
As -->  | As A
Bp --> B | Bp B
Cq -->  | C
Dp --> D | Dp , D
Es -->  | Ep
Ep --> E | Ep ; E

Furthermore, the semantic values associated with A*, B+ D<,+> and E<;*> are always of type Vec<_> (ResizeArray<_>) and type for C? is option<_>, where _ represents the types of the respective non-terminals. The *, + and ? operators have the same meaning as in regular expressions. In <sym+> and <sym*>, sym must be a terminal symbol. These operations represent sequences separated by the terminal, but not ending in the terminal. For example:

function_call --> functional_name ( expression<,*> )

defines function calls with zero or more comma-separated arguments.

These operators are available as a convenience, but they come at a price. The introduction of new production rules to a grammar increases the chance of non-determinism even if the grammar remains unambiguous. Rustlr does not allow the regex-like operators to be nested: such expressions easily become ambiguous. Consider (a?)+: a single a will have an infinite number of parse trees because any number of a? can be empty.

A More Advanced Example

The grammar calcautofs.grammar demonstrates the automatic generation of ASTs.

  terminals + - * / ( ) = ;
  terminals let in
  valueterminal int ~ int ~ Num ~ int
  valueterminal var ~ string ~ Alphanum ~ (fun x -> x)
  lexattribute line_comment #
  nonterminal Expr
  nonterminal ExprList
  nonterminal UnaryExpr : Expr
  nonterminal LetExpr : Expr
  topsym ExprList

  resync ;         
  left * 500
  left / 500
  left + 400
  left - 400
  UnaryExpr:Val --> int
  UnaryExpr:Var --> var
  UnaryExpr:Neg --> - UnaryExpr
  UnaryExpr --> ( LetExpr )
  Expr --> UnaryExpr
  Expr:Plus--> Expr + Expr
  Expr:Minus --> Expr:a - Expr:b
  Expr:Div --> Expr / Expr
  Expr:Times --> Expr:leftexpr * Expr
  LetExpr --> Expr
  LetExpr:Let --> let var = Expr in LetExpr
  ExprList:nil -->
  ExprList:cons --> LetExpr:car ; ExprList:cdr

Another, larger example can be found here: fs7c.grammar. This grammar defines a simplified, typed functional programming language that was used in a compilers class taught at Hofstra University.